The American Barbell Ab Mat is the most simple, effective, and portable ab training device – period! It allows you to work the full kinetic chain and range of motion from full extension to full flexion.
Our Ab Mat is ergonomically contoured to your lower back. This provides maximum support while also ensuring protection from injury and maximum user comfort. With our Ab Mat, you are able to put your lower back in the ideal position for core work without putting any strain on the erector spinae muscle and the spinal column. This device will not only strengthen your entire abdominal area, it will also relieve your lower back pain and strengthen the erector spinae muscles.
The American Barbell Ab Mat allows you to focus your core training. You are able to use it to target specific areas of your abdominal wall, such as the lower abs or intercostals. This mat is lightweight and portable so that you can it carry with you for an anytime, anywhere core training session. It features a moisture and odor resistant covering that is easy to grip and provides just the right combination of firmness and comfort.
- Ergonomically contoured
- Lightweight
- Portable
- Sweat-resistant
- Easy-grip